Human Factors and Safety Management System awarene

Human Factors initial training and Safety Management System (SMS) Awareness
Human Factors initial training and Safety Management System (SMS) Awareness
7 hours
• Generalities and introduction to Human Factors
• Safety culture / organizational factors and SMS
• Human errors
• Human performance and limitations
• Environment
• Procedures, information, tools and their related use
• Communication
• Team work
• Professionalism and integrity
• Safety Management System awareness
• Organization of the Human Factors and SMS approach
• Case-studies based on real-life experiences
• Experience feedback

Understand the origins of errors, identify and avoid situations likely to generate human errors within one’s professional frame. Improve awareness of one’s physiological and psychological limits and the reliability and safety of all actors taking part in maintenance operations. Remain familiar with the Safety Management System (SMS) fundamentals.

All EASA Part M and Part 145-approved organizations personnel, and their subcontractors. Qualified mechanics who, within the scope of Parts M, 145 and 66 regulations, wish to extend their knowledge on the subject.
2 years
A certificate will be issued at the end of the training course